Kundeservice 70102031 Support nr. 0
Prisbetingelser for

Health & Safety

Reporting personnel injury

Arbejdsulykker skal anmeldes i Safety-net

Report work injury



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Safety & Environment database

Database for Safety & Environment

Database for Safety & Environment

The Health and safety department works continuously to secure compliance to the different rules and standards in Falck as well as the legislation on the Health and Safety area in general as well. The department can always be contacted in need of support and system administration for the databases in the area.

Some sections on this site, links to a sub database, which requires access to Falcks intra/extranet (we are working on improving this).

If problems in this matter occur, please contact the department.

Areas of health and safety

It is a legal requirement that all companies with employees should make a risk assessment (APV). The purpose is to help the company find out:

  • Whether there are problems with the working environment
  • Where any problems can arise
  • How the company solves these problems
  • Who is responsible for these problems being resolved;
  • When to follow up

It is very important that the APV is implemented according to the applicable rules.

The Occupational Safety and Health Group shall be once a year in the first quarter review the workplace to identify possible problems, to form an overview of whether there are some areas that need to be addressed.

Relevant tools for the APV work can be found in our database.

Pain in muscles and joints

There is rarely one specific reason why muscles and joints hurt. Heavy physical work can cause pain in the back if you are lifting a lot or wringing your body. Unilateral repeated or sedentary work may cause pain in the shoulder, neck and arm.

But pain can also occur in your free time and without a clear reason. Many people find that pain in the muscles and joints comes and goes through life, and it’s sometimes very difficult to find the cause.

Indoor climate

Poor indoor climate can be the cause of germs in many workplaces. A good indoor climate is a combination of a suitable temperature and clean, fresh air.


Noise at work can be a health problem. It can cause chronic physical damage, and it can also lead to a stressful psychological working environment.

Any kind of unwanted sound is noise, regardless of whether the noise comes from construction outside or from loud phone calls in open office spaces.

Falck's staff policy emphasizes the need for a safe and healthy working environment for Falck, both physically and psychologically. A good psychological working environment helps to prevent disease, retain employees, increase productivity and create well-being.

The psychological working environment denotes many different factors in the workplace, for example the relationships with managers, colleagues, customers/patients, etc. It can also be the organization of work and the balance between resources and requirements, factors which all affect work.

You can find more information and tools about the psychological work environment in our database or in Falck's different policies and guidelines.

Accidents at work that result in incapacitation for one day or more (in addition to the date of injury) must be brought to the attention of the Danish Working Environment Authority and the insurance company via our occupational injury system Safety-net. Accidents that do not cause absence are also reported in the Safety-net, which ensures that they are registered in the insurance company in case of any future nuisance due to the damage.

Work injuries are handled by Health and Safety, and you can find many more information and link to the damage report here.

What should be notified and by whom?

Accidents and poisoning cases that have resulted in incapacitation for one day or more in addition to the date of injury must be reported to the Arbejdstilsynet and the insurance company via our occupational injury system Safety-net. Accidents that do not cause absence is also reported in the Safety-net, which ensures that they are registered with the insurance company in case of any future problems as a result of the injury.

It is the employer who is required to report the accident at work. However, everyone has the right to report an accident at work; i.e. injured person, injured party or other person acting on behalf of injured parties may report an accident at work.

The employer is also obliged to report accidents at work to his insurance company / Occupational Injury Board in accordance with the rules of the Insurance Act against work accidents.

Entry deadline

Notification to the insurer and the Arbejdstilsynet is necessary if the damage has resulted in absence. This must be done as soon as possible, but no later than 9 days after the first day of absence.

Medical certificate

If the insurance company requires a medical certificate, they will contact the injured party.


It is important that a work injury case is handled correctly

The whole area of ​​occupational injuries and notification of these is incredibly important.

This is to ensure that the victim is properly treated.

The injured party must always ensure that within a period of max. three months, a receipt from the insurance company is received for the injury to be reported.

The Arbejdsmiljøorganisation in Falck works with various work environment issues and ongoing optimizations in various areas to minimise the risk of injury and to promote the working environment of employees in the company.

The Health and safety organisation is built around three areas: Ambulance, Assistance and Fire, each with its A and B parties.

The overviews can be found in the info database under "Arbejdsmiljøudvalg fra 2018"

The ergonomic work environment

Damage to the muscles and skeleton can have serious consequences for both the employee and the company, and many construction workers leave the industry at an early age due to wear and tear injuries.

But you can avoid damage by using the right aids, having good posture and pausing to restore.

Ergonomic working environment is all about heavy lifting, pulling and pushing of heavy materials, on stressful work as well as on vibrations in the body, hands and arms. It is also about bad posture and work movements and hard physical work.

You should also think about ergonomics if you operate machines. Many movements can lead to damage to the body if you perform them incorrectly, too often, too long. This may include pain in the back, neck, shoulders, arms and legs. It can also lead to fatigue, swelling and stiffness in joints and decreased attention.

This creates a risk of accidents. The pain often comes from sudden movements, attrition or after a long period of work. For the individual, pain in the body can initially mean that one cannot take care of his work. Later, it can lead to permanent injury, disability and loss of working capacity.

For the company, damage can cost a lot in terms of sickness benefit, new employees and lower productivity.

Avoid pain and damage

You can do much to avoid pain and damage by having a good ergonomic working environment. Plan and instruct carefully and make sure that the transport routes are free of obstacles. You should also make sure to change up your work tasks and take breaks to recover. You should also think about ergonomics if you carry materials and operate machinery etc. Heavy lifting, poor posture etc. should therefore be included in your APV.

In our database you can find much more about the APV.

In case of need for regulatory contact in relation to workplace safety and environmental issues, the first contact is always the security manager (sikkerhedsleder), but for clarification and coordination, contact the respective authorities.

Falck prepares annual green commitments as part of the company's profile as an environmentally conscious company. In this context, there are procedures and databases for reporting and control of environmental core areas. Falck's primary areas are the company's consumption of electricity, water and heat, as well as fuel consumption and waste management.

Accident analysis

Accident analysis has the purpose of analyzing incoming accident information about material and personal injury. This is to draw general conclusions of concrete events, thus giving the opportunity to prevent repetitions and thus increase safety.

Accident analysis is carried out by the Health and Safety team.

The accident analysis group aims to analyse incidents of accidents, material damages and personal injury. This is to draw general conclusions of concrete events, thus giving the opportunity to prevent repetitions (possibly through training / instruction or by adapting material) and thereby increase safety. The accident analysis team also assists with the provision of documentation as well as assistance and questions to the many consequences an accident can cause both personally and legally.

The accident analysis team is activated in case of accidents and incidents of a particularly dangerous nature. This means larger material damage, serious personal injury, or damages that may be relevant for other reasons, such as prevention. The accident analysis team subsequently determines whether a more detailed analysis needs to be carried out on the actual incident.

Detailed description of objectives can be found in the attached presentation.

Any questions or need for guidance in a given situation should be addressed to the safety officer.

Rescue mission officer provide documentation from the accident site (photo/sketch), photographs of vehicles and equipment, as well as preliminary accident analysis (detailed).

Lifeboat officers must inform the accident analysis team as soon as possible.

In case of serious injury, a notification must be made immediately.

In case of serious injury, contact the safety officer.

If no contact can be reached with the safety officer, contact Mogens Pedersen (MAP).

The accident analyst group informs each other internally.

In case of major material damage, a notification must be made immediately.

In case of major material damage (without serious injury) contact Mogens Pedersen (MAP)

If contact with Mogens Pedersen cannot be reached, contact the Damage Department or safety officer.

The accident analyst group informs each other internally.

The procedure for accidents requiring an accident analysis is as follows:

Within 14 days of the accident, the accident analysis in the Safety-net will be completed with relevant attachments, photos, etc. of the responsible party at the station.

Within 14 days, the accident analysis team will ensure a review of the accident and any relevant actions / conclusions, etc. be informed to the local working environment group and the respective managers / directors. The case will also be discussed at the forthcoming AMU meeting.

Contact Information

Bjørn Ølgod

Safety officer

Phone: 20205191

mail: bjs@falck.dk

Mogens Pedersen

Afdelingsleder - Skadeafdelingen

Tlf.: 8948 3573

Phone: 2338 3444

mail: map@falck.dk